AI driven PR on demand with Heartspace

    On-demand expert services augmented with AI

    All the packages below are white-glove full-service options. Our experts and custom AI-models trained to write with a journalistic style serve you with all the PR you need. Prices do not include VAT or sales tax. European companies can pay in EUR, and Swedish companies in SEK.

    Simple, transparent pricing

    Choose the plan that's right for you

    Digital Public Relations– as-a-service – Build your brand and community online✨

    Talk to our founder

    per month billed monthly, 30 day money back guarantee

    • Our experts create a custom and curated list of contacts inside Heartspace of verified emails to 50 brand ambassadors, potential customers, partners, investors, and other stakeholders relevant to your business.
    • Monthly 30 minutes brand strategy sessions with our experts
    • Brand messaging and storytelling
    • 20 thought leadership-oriented LinkedIn-posts each month
    • One article for social media and the web each week
    • Brand-plan
    • Thought-leadership and relation-building outreach tailored to stakeholders like potential customers, investors and brand ambassadors

    Public Relations-as-a-service – Get your message across the media landscape and build recognition in your space✨


    per month billed monthly, 30-day money back guarantee.

    • Our experts create a custom and curated list of contacts inside Heartspace of verified emails to 200 brand ambassadors, journalists, and media outlets relevant to your message and niche.
    • Strategy with monthly PR campaigns planned by our experts for the six upcoming months
    • One press release or op-ed each month with tailored versions to different media-outlets and brand ambassadors
    • Articles for web and social media
    • Distribution to targeted media outlets with customized versions every month
    • Media analysis and monitoring with monthly reporting on your media impact
    • Thought-leadership pieces
    • Interviews and portraits of stakeholders
    • Monthly 30-minute strategy sessions
    • Tailored in-depth iterative PR-strategy.
    • Impact Guarantee: CPM will always be at most 5 USD.
    • We offer a 30-day customer satisfaction guarantee, which means that if you are not completely satisfied with our product, you can request a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

    Public Relations and Public Affairs-as-a-service, Lead the conversation ✨

    Talk to our founder

    per month billed each quarter, 30-day money back guarantee

    • Our experts create a custom and curated media list inside Heartspace of verified contacts to 300 brand ambassadors, journalists, and media outlets relevant to your message and niche. We then grow this list for you each month for as long as you are customers.
    • Public Relations and Public Affairs Strategy with monthly campaigns planned for the 12 upcoming months
    • One press release or op-ed each month with tailored versions to different media-outlets and brand ambassadors
    • Distribution to targeted media outlets with customized versions
    • Articles for web and social media
    • Media analysis and monitoring with monthly reporting on your media impact
    • Public Affairs
    • Corporate communications
    • Thought-leadership-oriented report twice a year (first one available after minimum six recurring months as a customer)
    • Interviews and portraits of stakeholders
    • Bi-weekly 30-minute strategy sessions
    • Tailored in-depth iterative PR strategy.
    • Impact Guarantee: CPM will always be at most 5 USD.
    • We offer a 30-day customer satisfaction guarantee, which means that if you are not completely satisfied with our product, you can request a full refund within 30 days of purchase.


    • Dedicated senior PR experts from Heartspace handle all parts of your project.
    • Full access to Heartspace production, planning distribution, and collaborative AI-writing platform and asset management so you can do extra activities if you would like to, but you probably won't need too.
    • Experts are matched based on your needs and industry experience.
    • Unlimited number of users.
    • Cue unlimited number of PR activities over time.
    • Our turnover is fast, we usually get back with the next iteration on a text or PR-activity the same day or within 1-2 workdays.
    • 30 money-back guarantee.

    What others say about us

    Utilizing Heartspace’s tools for AI-driven media outreach, we have successfully managed to double our opening rate and get significantly better coverage in earned media.
    Pål Carlsson, Editor and Content writer
    @Björn Lundén AB
    “By using Heartspace AI tools for customized versions and smart mailings, we got published in close to 60 publications in just one single activity.”
    Jessica Löfström, Chair of the board
    @Ansvar Säkerhet
    “The Techcrunch article went live this afternoon! I just wanted to say thank you. All your help is very appreciated.”
    Greg McConnell, CMO
    @Voiijer app

    Any questions or suggestions?

    Talk to our team if you have questions. We are open to ideas and suggestions.