The only media-distribution tool that helps you reach the priority inbox.

    Boutique PR agencies and expert newsletter producers use Heartspace to get a fresh and verified list of contacts, automate personalized distributions, and ensure that their hard work on sending high-quality content to readers and journalists does not go unnoticed.

    Escape the email graveyard with targeted, personalized distribution

    Are your news-letters and press-releases hitting the email graveyard?

    Targeted qualitative email distribution can be a real ordeal: countless hours spent personalizing with clunky mail merges, outdated contacts, and formatting nightmares. All while wondering if your emails even reach the inbox, get flagged as spam, or end up in the email graveyard also known as the news-letter section.

    Targeted Media Monitoring
    Efficient Personalization
    Relevant and updated journalist contacts
    Streamlined Distribution
    Enhanced Media Placement
    Time and Resource Efficiency

    Some of our users experiences with Heartspace and NirvanaAI

    Ansvar Säkerhet

    Ansvar Säkerhet

    Ansvar Säkerhet AB was published in over 120 outlets including Dagens Nyheter. In April and May 2023 Ansvar Säkerhet landed an op-ed in Dagens Nyheter written with the help of human expert freelancers in Heartspace network (no AI involved) but distributed with the help of Heartspace media distribution system with an ad value of 2 168 498 SEK.Shortly after another op-ed was published in Sweden's largest business paper Dagens Industri with an ad value of 524 000 SEK. Heartspace's line of experts and state-of-the-art technology ensures our clients content have a greater chance to be published in the most acclaimed and credible outlets. Heartspace distribution can be used with or without the AI capabilities, in itself it is a powerful method to reach the right journalists and get published in high-profile outlets.


    Total media placements


    Top media placements in one single distribution

    +10 million

    Total estimated readers

    +$450 000

    Total estimated ad value


    Estimated CPM

    Björn Lundén

    Björn Lundén

    Björn Lundén AB managed to get published in over 140 outlets including Svenska Dagbladet thanks to the tools provided to by the team at Heartspace.


    Total media placements

    5,9 million

    Total readers

    $350 000

    Total estimated ad value


    Estimated CPM



    Voiijer got published in TechCrunch, Forbes and more high-profile outlets in their first Heartspace activity.

    $100 000

    Estimated ad value

    Over 40 million readers

    Total reach


    Estimated CPM



    Mundus International is freeing up time for journalistic work expanding their newsletter to more countries with more time for in-depth analysis and deeper reporting thanks to NirvanaAI streamlining research and summarization.

    Up to 7 hours per newsletter

    Estimated saved time


    Total relevant articles found in Nirvana


    Plans for extra NirvanaAI feeds in the upcoming 12 months

    Jessica Löfström, Chair of the board

    Jessica Löfström, Chair of the board

    "By using Heartspace's tools for customized versions and smart mailings, we've been published in close to 60 publications. We had a reach of 1,5 million readers in one single activity."

    Ansvar Säkerhet AB was published in over 120 outlets including Dagens Nyheter

    Stay ahead of the conversation (automatically) with NirvanaAI

    Let NirvanaAI free up your team's time and energy for deeper work than research and news-summaries

    She’ll research on autopilot (news-articles, podcasts, white papers) faster and more thoroughly than any human and better than traditional media-monitoring.
    She’s constantly scanning the entire internet for the latest in your field — and she never gets tired. Her writing is free from AI-mumbo jumbo and corporate sounding bullshit.
    She'll write high-quality pieces for your news-site and learns to write to your journalistic needs and requirments — with texts that pass AI-detection services like GPTzero and gets the highest scores on Grammarly

    Tell NirvanaAI who to follow, and she’ll keep up

    She’ll consume podcasts, social accounts, and newsletters
    She’ll monitor industry-specific keywords
    She’ll write unique news-summaries based on any article published anywhere
    You’ll get a curated summary written in your voice to read or share daily.
    NirvanaAI is trained on non-copyrighted journalistic writing. You own all the material it produces.
    Feature 1Feature 2

    She’ll write news based on trends and insights

    Get posts for your blog, newsletter, X, Threads and more...
    Provide feedback for instant revisions
    Edit collaboratively with team members in real time
    Use pre-prompted shortcuts or custom writing agents
    Feature 1Feature 2

    Publish excellent pieces in minutes

    This isn’t ChatGPT. NirvanaAI achieves a 93-98% Grammarly score, plus:

    References sources
    Writes clearly
    Never plagiarizes
    This isn't ChatGPT. NirvanaAI achieves a 93-98% Grammarly score
    Frees up time for deeper investigative journalism.
    Has a “human” tone
    Send out tailored PR-campaigns to target journalists and outlets
    Schedule to social media
    Matched with relevant journalists (automatic media and stakeholder analysis)
    AI learns and suggests relevant journalists based on your content.
    Users can unsubscribe from one of the firms client without unsubscribed from all.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does Heartspace and NirvanaAI maintain privacy?

    Yes. Heartspace will not train our AI on your data without permission, and all our current and future products, NirvanaAI included, are free from advertising. Our subscription-based business model is free from ads, and we do not sell our users’ data.

    Is my data secure?

    Yes. We implement industry-standard security measures and are fully GDPR compliant.

    What are the limits on the use of NirvanaAI?

    Unlimited. We do have a control mechanism set in place for susceptive bots or unnatural overuse.

    How does Heartspace and NirvanaAI ensure ethical and responsible communication?

    We tune our AI to promote responsible and constructive tonality. Our terms of conduct prohibit misinformation or the promotion of destructive concepts. We also vet all accounts on a regular basis and only accept serious journalists and news services as customers.

    Does Heartspace support multiple languages?

    Yes. You can use our internal AI-editor in most languages.

    What models do you use and what are they trained on?

    Heartspace has built more than 20 AI agents customized for journalistic purposes. Our agentic framework will use the best off-the-shelf and custom-trained models based on each user’s needs and use case. All our models are trained on custom datasets of non-copyrighted material. We offer an enterprise-grade, secure, and compliant solution so you can have peace of mind and know that you always own the material you produce and publish with the help of Heartspace and NirvanaAI.

    How do I contact Heartspace AI for support or questions?

    If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

    What is Heartspace and what is NirvanaAI?

    Heartspace is an impact startup based in Sweden that aims to improve the media climate and the public conversation by building tools for a global second renaissance. NirvanaAI is the worlds first fully autonomous AI-writer built by our team. NirvanaAI is integrated into our AI-editor and our distributions tools giving users a full suite of unmatched communication tools.

    Ready to publish articles - one click away

    Start automating your news summaries